Categories: Economy

Alipay and WeChat Pay are banned by the Trump administration

The request also affects QQ Wallet, Tencent’s QQ messenger, CamScanner, SHAREit, VMate (published by UCWeb of the Alibaba Group) and the WPS office of Beijing Kingsoft Office Software. It follows the administration’s previous attempts at The ban TikTok and WeChat app stores in the US. If you remember, it was both attempts Blocked By the court on the basis of freedom of expression. A senior administration official said ReutersHowever, the White House believes these special restrictions will remain – apps like Alipay will not be able to debate an issue based on the First Amendment, they said.

Such as The New York Times Note that the reach of restrictions will likely be limited compared to the effect of blocking TikTok or WeChat. Most of the app users are in China, especially the payment apps that require Chinese bank accounts. However, the demand may have a negative impact on the many Chinese Americans who often travel between the two countries, as well as companies using the apps to cater to Chinese customers. It would take effect 45 days, long after Trump left office. President-elect Joe Biden can cancel it after he takes office, but his camp has yet to announce his decision.

Published by
Opal Turner

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