Start the first week of 2021 with Awesome Games Done, Marathon Fast Run

4 anos ago

Games Done Quick (GDC), the charity event series that raises money as expert players work their way through classic games,…

Duílio anuncia diretoria com ex-campeões corinthianos e cita “pé no chão” – 04/01/2021

4 anos ago

Duílio Monteiro Alves foi oficializado hoje (4) como novo presidente da Corinthians para o triênio 2021/2022/2023. O novo representante do…

Nearly 100,000 people sign a petition to arrest Soho Karen

4 anos ago

More than 98,000 people have signed an online petition calling for an arrest Soho Karen is Mia Ponsetto After a…

SpaceX may attempt to catch a missile that is falling into a launch tower

4 anos ago

Zoom in / The SpaceX spacecraft is expected to have landing legs. The first-stage launch vehicle, the Super Heavy, might…

Deshawn Watson new coach

4 anos ago

Houston - One day after the end of a tumultuous season, the Houston Texans are back Deshawn Watson Offer an…

Microsoft hints at a “comprehensive visual revamp” of Windows 10

4 anos ago

Zoom in / This screenshot of the Photo & Calculator apps comes from a video that Microsoft Chief Product Officer…

Irã retoma enriquecimento de urânio e viola acordo nuclear novamente | Mundo

4 anos ago

O Irã retomou o enriquecimento de 20% de urânio em uma instalação nuclear subterrânea, anunciou Teerã nesta segunda-feira (4), novamente…

A Malaysian court ruled the death of Nora Koren in “bad faith”

4 anos ago

In August 2019, the body of 15-year-old Nora Ann Koren, who was suffering from learning disabilities, was found in a…

Wham’s last Christmas completes his 36-year journey to the top of the UK chart

4 anos ago

Last Christmas, which was not yet better than No. 2, garnered 9.2 million streams on the latest frame. And I…

Rover to explore the soul landing on Mars

4 anos ago

Photo: Robin Beck / Agence France-Presse (Getty Images)On January 3, 2004, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Soul He started making history.…