Categories: entertainment

Tom Hanks reveals that he shaved his head for a role, and he’s not thrilled

The 64-year-old actor has revealed (very briefly) his new look During emergence Tuesdays at The Graham Norton Show.

Hanks was clearly wearing a baseball cap for most of this look. At one point, he made it clear that he is currently in Australia to film the upcoming biography of Baz Luhrmann about Elvis Presley, in which he plays Presley’s manager Colonel Tom Parker.

“Let me show you the horrible haircut that I have to have for a portrayal of Colonel Tom Parker,” said Hanks, while doing everything to hide his unfortunate haircut. “Check out this terrible … Did you see that? Look at this thing?”

Then, for about a second, Hanks bent over and showed his hairless scalp. If you blink, you might have missed it.

But judging by the screams that the audience heard, everyone saw.

“I just scared the kids,” said Hanks. “I want to apologize.”

Although the bald look on Hanks came as a surprise to many of his fans, it isn’t the first time the actor has worn this look.

Before the coronavirus pandemic began (and before he and his wife did, it was actress Rita Wilson He was diagnosed with the virus), Hanks was in Australia doing pre-production work for the movie itself.
In April, it is Appeared on “Saturday Night Live” From home and explain what’s going on with his poetry – or lack thereof.

He told the audience, “Don’t worry now, don’t be afraid.” “This shaved head was just for a movie and my hair grows very slowly. It saves time in the shower, so I don’t know maybe we should all do it, huh?”

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